The Unseen Impacts of Laundry and why it matters

The Unseen Impacts of Laundry – Where It Ends Up and Why It Matters

Aug 24, 2023

Hello eco-conscious readers!

Did you know the very act of keeping our clothes fresh and clean might have a not-so-fresh impact on the environment? Laundry may seem innocuous, but its footprint is deeper and wider than many realise. Let's unravel the sudsy mystery.

1. Where Does the Water Go?

Every time you run a wash, the water, combined with detergent residues, gets drained away. This "grey water" often ends up in our waterways, carrying with it microplastics, harmful chemicals, and other pollutants. Over time, this can devastate marine life and pollute our drinking sources.

2. Microfibers – The Tiny Pollutants

Synthetic clothes release microfibers with every wash. These minute plastic fibres pass through water treatment plants and enter rivers and oceans. Microplastics are consumed by marine life, entering the food chain, which ultimately affects us too.

3. Chemical Overload

Many detergents contain chemicals like phosphates, surfactants, and fragrances. Once these chemicals reach waterways, they can cause eutrophication, leading to reduced oxygen in the water, which harms aquatic life.

What Can We Do?

**1. Wash Less Frequently

Not every clothing item needs to be washed after one use. Jeans, jackets, and sweaters, for example, can often be worn multiple times before needing a wash. This not only saves water but also extends the life of your clothes.

**2. Choose Eco-friendly Detergents

Opt for biodegradable and phosphate-free detergents. Brands with an eco-label usually have less environmental impact and are kinder to aquatic life.

**3. Install a Microfiber Filter

There are devices available that can be attached to washing machines to catch microfibers. Alternatively, consider using a washing bag designed to trap these fibres.

**4. Cold Washes are Cool

Using cold water for laundry reduces energy consumption. Most modern detergents are effective in cold water, ensuring your clothes still come out spotless.

**5. Line Dry When Possible

Skip the dryer to save energy. Sun and wind are nature's way of giving us fresh, dried laundry, minus the carbon footprint.

**6. Opt for Natural Fibers

When buying new clothes, consider natural fibres like cotton, wool, or silk, which shed fewer microfibers compared to synthetic alternatives.

Laundry might be a weekly chore for many, but its environmental implications last far longer. By making conscious decisions, we can significantly reduce the negative impacts of our washing routines. Clean clothes shouldn't mean a dirtied planet!

Remember: A sustainable future starts with the choices we make today.

Happy eco-laundry!

Love and sustainability


08 Aug, 2023
Your Ultimate Guide to Zero Waste Living Hey, eco-warriors! How do you start on your zero-waste journey? One step at a time. It's all about making little sustainable switches and understanding that every tiny choice can lead to a big impact. Let's dive in! 1. Re-think, Before You Throw Before you chuck something into the trash, pause for a moment. Can it be recycled, reused, or composted? More often than not, there's a second life waiting for most of our 'trash'. 2. Invest in Sustainable Staples Switching to a reusable water bottle , metal straws , or a canvas tote bag isn’t just a fad, it’s an essential shift. Not only do you save money in the long run, but you're also ensuring fewer items end up in landfills. 3. DIY Magic Did you know that many of your household products can be made using simple ingredients you probably already have? From all-purpose cleaners to toothpaste, a little bit of DIY can reduce heaps of waste (and it's fun too!). 4. Shop Local & Seasonal Your local farmers’ market is a treasure trove of fresh, seasonal, and often plastic-free produce. Plus, you’re supporting small businesses and local communities. It's a win-win! 5. Embrace Second Hand The fashion industry is notorious for its environmental impact. Before you buy new, consider up-cycling, trading, or buying second-hand. There’s joy in giving old items a new life. 6. Refuse & Reduce It's not just about what you do, but also about what you don't do. Politely decline unnecessary freebies, single-use plastics, and excess packaging. Being mindful of your consumption can drastically cut down your waste. 7. Composting is Key Whether you have a garden or live in a high-rise, there are composting methods suited for everyone. Those food scraps can turn into gold (well, for plants)! Wrapping Up Going zero waste is a journey of self-discovery, patience, and learning. It's not about being perfect but about making conscious efforts every day. So, here's a challenge for you: Make one zero waste swap this week. Trust me, Mother Earth will thank you! Until next time, keep blooming, and remember – waste is just a mindset waiting to be changed. Love and sustainability, Emma-Jane
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